Ruthida Kajumba Life Fulfillment Coach And Speaker

Ruthida Kajumba

Selling in your business becomes easier when you make your prospective client feel comfortable during the sales conversation they are having with you.  And one of the ways you must do this is to  choose your words wisely!


1. Use Positive Words

Focus on using POSITIVE WORDS that don’t carry a lot of associated risk with them.

For instance use:
INVESTMENT” instead of “cost or price”,
OWN” instead of “buy”
OPPORTUNITY” instead of “deal”.

What more positive words can you add to the list above?

2. Mirror back to them

If you’re going to have successful conversations with your prospective clients, for the most part you will be doing the listening and they will be doing the talking. Listen attentively and pick out key words and when it’s your time to talk or ask questions…use their same exact words. No one can resist responding to their own words.

3. Prepare for the sales conversation

Make use of the application that your prospect fills out and submits prior to the sales conversation. Just like in the second point above…pick out key words from the application form and use them while talking to your prospect on the sales call.

Closing the sale starts way early in the sales conversation with you building rapport, identifying their needs and your bridging the gap between where they are and where they want to be by showing them how you can help them. And while doing this, you must gain your prospect’s trust by using words that they understand and relate to.

When you do, the YES part (closing the sale) is easy, without you being salesy or pushy!
Did you find this post helpful? Do you  have any questions? Insights you’d like to share? Let me know in the comments section below. I am looking forward to reading them!
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Talk to you soon!
 To Your Sales Conversations Success,
Ruthida Kajumba Life Fulfillment Coach

Ruthida Kajumba

Marketing & Sales Strategist
~Market | Sell | Live Your Dream Life!
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