Ruthida Kajumba Life Fulfillment Coach and Speaker

Do you sometimes get gripped with fear or anxiety, wondering where you will get clients from for your business? Maybe because it’s approaching end of the month or you set income goals and your deadline is fast approaching but you still haven’t signed up the number of paying clients you desire so you become very restless. I have been there too… not once, not twice but several times! I’ve also had those nights where sleep varnishes and all that’s happening is turning and tossing in the bed; and stomach grumbling not because of hunger but anxiety! However, by now I know the reasons why I was struggling and spinning the wheels in business and that’s why I’m going to share with you 3 simple steps that will help you in your marketing so you start attracting the paying clients you want.

The steps are so simple that you may start rolling your eyes and saying to yourself… “Really? I’ve done that already”. But trust me, whether you are new to business and marketing or you’ve been in business for a while…as long as you are still struggling to get paying clients, you’ve got to go back to the drawing board and harness these basics.

So here we go…

Step 1: Have clarity who your ideal client is

Who is your Ideal client? Like, who do you really really really desire to work with? What is their number 1 problem that they are ready and willing to pay for products or services that will take away their pain? Can you really solve their problem? You see, everything you do in your business is going to revolve around who you are serving…your marketing, your branding, your website, your message, your content…everything is going to depend on who you are serving. So unless you have absolute clarity who this dream client of yours is, you’ll keep spinning the wheels. That’s when you’ll find your marketing message keeps changing and not because you are getting deeper clarity but because you are lost. That’s when you’ll find yourself spending significant amount of time on several social media platforms or groups…hoping to get clients but rather end up tired, burnt out, overwhelmed and frustrated. So, first get clarity who your ideal client is and that will take us to the next step.

Step 2: Your Ideal client is here!

Yes, your ideal client is right here! See, once you have absolute clarity who your ideal client is, knowing where to find them is the easy part! Because you know who they are, you will have an idea where they hang out online. For instance you will know if they are in certain Facebook groups, or Facebook pages or Instagram or Linkedin, Pinterest, Youtube and so on… Once you know where your ideal clients are, you don’t have to spread yourself thin all over the internet like I used to, owning several groups on Facebook, Linkedin and G+ as well as being a member of other people’s groups and being actively involved on other social media platforms…looking for customers/clients. Clearly this is partly why I was spending an average of 18 hour a day marketing and “working” in my business.

Step 3: Be Strategic

Now that you know where your ideal clients are, what next? You know who they are, where they are so how do you turn them to paying clients? Be strategic! Hang out where your ideal clients hang out and this is where you spend your significant time online. Don’t just hang out there larking in the shadows but be visible! Position yourself as a leader and expert in your industry in such a way that your ideal clients will see you as a go-to-person they will want to pay to solve their problems!

Like I said, these steps seem so simple, but I’m sure they will save you from a lot of uncertainty and overwhelm as you look for clients in your business online. Imagine you were able to be more productive in your business, make sales and money you desire while putting in less hours because you are now more strategic with your marketing…what would you do with your gained money and time freedom? Would you spend more quality time with your family? Would you have a more social life? Would you travel? Would you have better self-care?

So talk to me… What is your biggest take-away from this blog post? Any comments or questions? Feel free to let me know in the comments section below. I look forward to hearing from you!

PS: If right now you’re saying to yourself that you’ve had enough and you’re done with spinning the wheels, being overwhelmed and struggling with your marketing to get clients in your business… Apply for support and accountability so that you can have absolute clarity how to identify your dream ideal client, how to identify where exactly online they hang out and how you can strategically position yourself to attract them as paying clientsget details & schedule your free marketing consultation call here <<<

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To your marketing success online,

Ruthida Kajumba Life Fulfillment Coach

Ruthida Kajumba

Marketing Strategist
~ Keep It Simple Marketing For Women Entrepreneurs
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